Cigar Review Pro is a must have App for all cigar aficionados who want to keep a detailed and professional review of their cigars.
This App is feature rich and has all the options needed to properly and professionally rate and review your cigars.
-Add images and videos to your individual reviews.
-Select or Add custom locations from where cigars are made to where you reviewed them.
-Rate your cigars in three phases:
---Phase 1: Beginning of smoke
---Phase 2: Mid smoke
---Phase 3: Ending
-In each phase, enter notes and adjust the rating for Taste, Burn and Draw performance.
-Keeps valuable information like price of cigar, box price, cigars box date, etc...
-Backup and sync your reviews to several devices (iPhone/iPad).
-Run reports on your reviews (top 10, etc...)
-Enjoy a Gallery view of your images and videos.
-Categories your cigars in folders (Cuban Cigars, Dominican Cigars, etc...)
-Search functionality has been added to quickly locate reviews.
For additional information or to request a feature in future releases, please email [email protected]